

Achievement 2013-17 (ART)

The Achievement 2013-17 ("ART") Project is for students Year 9 and above from the Curriculum > NCEA > NZQA Import/Export page listing student criteria of 10 credits or more at level 2.

From a tab off the NZQA Import/Export page, the purpose of this page is to provide a file for the initial monitoring process of students with NCEA Level 2 credits - 10 credits or more, to enable the school to identify those students at risk of not achieving NCEA Level 2.

The first time you go to this page, the list of students assigned 10 or more NCEA Level 2 credits displays enabling you to click "Select Students" and tick the box beside each student name for those to be part of the ART programme. Once this list is saved, edge will display these students to enable you to generate the file. 

we wanted to show you the Achievement 2013-2017 project NCEA tab for Level 2 credits


To determine if individual students are to be included in the file, a ‘select all’ tick box is included, with the option to select/de-select individual students for the export, and with the ability to remove the flag from their Edit Student Details page.

This is an optional export file for Ministry of Education purposes.

  1. For students to be included in the export file they must have the flag ticked on the list page.
  2. All students ticked on the Achievement 2013-17 (ART) page will be included in the file, if they meet the 10 credits or more criteria.



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