

July 2023

July 2023 Release notes

New Features

  • Edge Connect - absences texting system is now available at only 10c per text and no monthly charges

Edge Connect

  • Automatic Absences Texting group option  (ENS Group), to  add new students automatically
  • New Ministry attendance measures. If a student is unjustifiably absent 5 or more times in a term they are added to a list, and the school has to come up with an attendance intervention plan that is due 5 school days after the 5th day of unjustified absence for the term. If this happens in the last week of term the due date will be in the next term. There is a new page in edge in Attendance > Attendance Records > Interventions with the same permissions as Attendance Summary,
    showing all the students with an intervention due date in the current term (the most recent term that has started, meaning it shows term 2 during the holidays between term 2 and 3). Once a week the list of students will be sent to the MoE via a new DEX job, recording whether an intervention plan has been activated.
  • The Automatic change from ? to T has been deactivated to meet the new MoE requirements

Bug fixes

Multiple fixes including

  • Marbook saving speed up
  • Attendance fixes
  • Pastoral export fix