Assay Analysis
How do I access Assay Analysis? Users will need Teacher User Responsibility Rights to access the Analysis function of Assay.
Assay Analysis
An optional data analysis tool that takes your NCEA, PAT and OTJ data stored in Edge and presents it using an extensive range of filters in a colourful and graphical format. The data can be displayed in Teacher, HoD or School Leader centric views. Contact us to have this set up for you.
We do not charge edge primary schools for accessing it.
All prices are GST exclusive.
You can find a whole lot of info about assay3 here:
We can also do analysis on Junior data, PATs, OTJs e-asttle and more.
Assay3 is now in over 200 schools, and growing by a couple of schools a week, largely through word of mouth.
The goal with Assay is to make it easy for schools and teachers to get the data they need in a format that they can use it, without needing to spend ages trying to get it there.
To enable this functionality or for further information contact:
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