Probe 2
Probe 2 assesses reading accuracy, reading behaviour and comprehension; and listening comprehension to provide an assessment for older students giving the indepth data of a running record. This is combined to calculate a reading age.
Recording Probe 2 results
Setting Up (Configuration)
Probe 2 ('Prose Reading Observation, Behaviour and Evaluation') assessments need to be configured by your school's Assessment Co-ordinator. Once set up for data entry, PROBE 2 reading comprehension option results can be recorded for students in years 3-13 from the English tab. For more, see comparing PROBE 1 versions.
Recording results for Probe 2
The selection dictates the view displayed. All Options allows the selection of sets 1-20.
Option 1 allows the data entry of Self Correction and Accuracy (and calculates this into a percentage) along with Speed, Hesitation, Omission, Insertion, Dependence, Literal, Reorganisation, Inference, Vocabulary, Evaluation and Reaction.
The minimum acceptable decoding level (Self Correction and Accuracy calculated result) is 96% with the Comprehension Analysis being 70%.
Options 2-4 only allows data entry for Literal, Reorganisation, Inference, Vocabulary, Evaluation and Reaction.
As this assessment can be done more than once, the latest results are displayed, with each test's reading level for both Fiction and Non-Fiction.
Using the Class tab, result data can be entered. The student's reading age and whether the result is for Fiction or Non-fiction is displayed.
Assessment Analysis
In Analysis, bar graphs show progress by year level, classes, ethnicity and gender. Data can be exported from Student, Class, Year and School analysis.
A table displays the total number and percentage of students within each reading level for the Fiction and non-Fiction categories - for Class, Year, and School.
Comprehension analysis is available where individual mark data has been entered for the number of questions using reference tables, comment input and the reading level is calculated; note, the calculated result will overwrite the result entered. Where data has been entered for a student, the latest test date for this academic year is shown on the Assessment Summary Page, English > Probe 2.
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