Adding a Note is accessed from the purple banner at the foot of each page. To edit a created note go into the student detail > notes tab to edit or delete.
How can I enter a Note on a student eg. for attendance or enrolment?
1. To create a student note for attendance (eg. sick, late reasons and so on.. enrolment notes or those for assessments), from the purple footer click 'Add Note' to display 'Add Note' light box - which requires student name, dropdown options for category (eg. Attendance, Assessment, Enrolment,Sensitive, Learning Support and Uploaded Document) together with start date. If appropriate, the last note entered displays. There is also the option to add staff and role access restrictions to the note as well as the ability to attach files to the note (eg. JPEG, PDF, DOCx).
2. 'Manage student note' links to the student details Notes page, where the notes displayed can be edited or deleted. The Notes tab can also be accessed from the student details page.
3. Staff with Enrolment Officer User Responsibility and for teachers (own students only), enrolment notes can be added- from Teacher view, from the dashboard access 'Add Note' and see the category type from the dropdown. If there is an enrolment note on the student, an icon displays in the student's purple banner. Only those with the appropriate User Responsibilities eg. some personal note detail will only be able to be viewed by the Enrolment Officer and Teacher, and Pastoral Officer edge user responsibilities - where on the purple student detail banner, on the right side where you are able to see a red strip, this indicates a note for that student.
4. Previous notes are listed showing the most recent note first. A date range is provided when you create a note enabling one entry for the note to show on more than one day.
5. There is a maximum of 1000 characters for each Note.
Please note: "A Sensitive note can only be viewed by the creator and whomever they assign to this note; ie: Pastoral Officer or Mrs Jones. (NB: Default access to Sensitive notes is the note creator)".
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