May 2020 Release notes
4 May 2020
New Assessment
Junior Assessment 2019 data entry in Achievement (this is an update of the older Marie Clay stanines and also now includes BURT). You will need to go to Setup of Assessments and select this to be able to use it. Note that the filter has also been simplified in Achievement.

HOD Markbooks. A whole markbook consisting of multiple classes can now be viewed and edited at once. Students can be filtered by year level or course, or the whole school (no filter)
NOTE: if there is a "whole school" markbook (e.g. at a primary school) with several hundred students this can currently be slow to load and save, a single class will be selected by default.
If reason for absent is family then attendance code will be E (explained, unjustified) code to Vistab code.
Optimise print timetable job to speed up processing
Bug fixes
Multiple fixes including
Improvements to Online enrolments
Importing other provider codes when file imported from NZQA.
Exporting pastoral support data.
Deposit list will show electronic and cash transactions
27 May 2020
New Caregivers
Cell phone is now the default entry for phone numbers to help with texting.

Marking Attendance
We have added the ability to mark attendance by group in both Teacher view and Admin View
Previous year's data can now be viewed in Student Attendance Summary
Bug fixes
Multiple fixes including
Markbook fixes
Achievement fixes
Timetable printing
Attendance performance