

Attendance Mark in bulk

Attendance marking in bulk - eg. for exam study leave, sports day and more. The Attendance > Attendance Records > Mark Attendance page provides the options.

Marking attendance rolls in bulk

At times it may be necessary to mark the student records for a large group at once, eg. sports day or study leave during exams usually the Multiple Days tab is the best way to do this. To filter bulk attendance records from today's timetable only, from the Attendance > Attendance Records > Mark Attendance page, there are tabs from which to choose - Student, Whole School etc.  Click the appropriate link from here.

It is also possible to change periods of marked student attendance by checking the Overwrite Existing box and inserting a reason for change.

First select the required year group displaying periods that students have classes for today.

  1. For a year group, attendance can be filtered from all student records - the "Whole School" tab operates by filtering attendance:

    • by form/group
    • by year level
    • by surname  (alphabetical)
  2. All students within this filter have a fast-fill area for marking where you can set one or more periods, using the same code (eg. V or X during study leave for external exams). Once the majority codes are filled, return to any students for whom that code is not appropriate and for each student set the code.

  3. For surnames, click the alphabet letter to display periods for which students with names in alphabetical order of that letter have classes for today. All students within this filter have a fast-fill area for marking where you can set one or more periods. Mark the periods as appropriate, selecting the attendance code. Assuming the majority of students are present select 'P Present' from the drop-down to 'Overwrite Existing', then address the students requiring alternative attendance code.
  4. Click 'Submit Attendance'



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