January release notes
9th January
Bug fixes.
- Fix for deleting event days from school calendar not working
14th January
Bug fixes.
- Markbooks Copy All now updates the year if it is part of the markbook name e.g. "ENG 2019" becomes "ENG 2020"
28th January
Bug fixes.
- Showing student assessment notes for previous years in admin mode
- Markbook data entry: save only fields that have been entered/edited. This means data does not get overwritten if multiple users are in the same Markbook
- Delete Assessment Change Requests when deleting pre-enrolled students.
- Nav bar disappears when using the "Back to summary" button in report entry. Now only shows button in admin mode.
- Fix for unable to process leaver
- Fix for unable to delete markbook
- Fix for timeout when displaying timetable conflicts
- Fix for wrong student counts in timetable course summaries