

Overall Tracking

This functionality is intended for looking at students' assessment results across all the NZ curriculum, grouped by their current class. On this page you can select the columns you wish to have displayed as detailed below. National standard results for both Interim and Final display on the Overall Tracking page.

The Overall Tracking view is view-only, defaulting to English with all columns ticked to display. Included are BURT, PAT and Running Records, National Standards, e-asTTle assessment data, Schonell, Science Thinking with Evidence and School Entry Assessment – the default view displays all data for assessments for a selected year. This functionality is intended for looking at students' assessment results across all the NZ curriculum grouped by their current class. Data for each student from each year (regardless of class, or previous edge school where appropriate) is available for moderation, with the whole current year displayed. All columns are sortable, and the longer version of shortened heading names are shown if you hover over the heading.

The Data tab has a checkbox giving the option to display additional student data. Where this is ticked, the information selected by ticking the options on the Column tab is added in an "Additional Student Information" section with their details displayed.

 Overall Tracking  overall column


With the exception of the Running Records Rdg Lvl column, the additional student information columns, PAT and Running records are all sortable.

You can select the assessment columns to display for the following:  BURT, PAT and Running Records, National Standards, e-asTTle assessment data, Schonell, Science Thinking with Evidence and School Entry Assessments.



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