

VisTab information

Some helpful information on how VisTab and Edge SMS work together.

The integration between Edge and Vistab is two way.

  1. Vistab will receive lists of students, classes and groups from Edge to populate the Vistab device. This is turned on in Edge: Admin>School Settings and scroll down to External Providers where there is a tick box to allow Vistab to access the above information.
  2. Vistab can also post records of sign-in and sign-out events back to Edge so that the appropriate attendance code can be created in Edge, along with an attendance note. This needs to be turned on by Vistab.

The students’ attendance records will be updated according to the following rules.

  • Sick in Vistab - marked absent in Edge for the rest of the day with a code of M (Medical).
  • Vistab Doctor or Dental appointment - marked absent for one period with a code of D (Doctor/Dentist appointment)
  • Vistab Family - marked absent in Edge for the rest of the day with a code of E (Student is absent with an explained, but Unjustified, reason)
  • Vistab Sport – marked absent in Edge for one period with a code of Q (Attending a school trip or camp)
  • Other/Unknown/Free text – marked absent in Edge for one period with a code of ? (Absent for unknown reason)

If a student signs in for the following reasons:

  • Late – they will be marked as L (Late) for the current period


  1. The post-back from Vistab will not overwrite attendance codes that have been entered by teachers, with the exception of ?/unknown.
  2. In all cases an attendance note will be added to the student in Edge for the current date, recording the details of the sign in/out and any note entered by the parent or student in Vistab, regardless of whether an attendance code was written. If the student signs in or out multiple times in a single day then any existing attendance note will be appended to.
  3. If a student signs back in after signing out sick, then the absence codes that would have been entered for the rest of the day when they signed out will be reverted to unmarked for the remaining periods of the day.
  4. If a student signs back in after a doctor or dental appointment after being absent for more than one period, then they will be marked as absent with the D code for the intervening periods.
  5. There is some “fuzzy logic” around what is considered the current period, if a student signs in late in the morning less than 10 minutes before the first period starts, they will be marked as late for that period.
  6. The post-back from Vistab to Edge when a sign-in or sign-out occurs every 15 minutes so may not be instantaneous (currently this process occurs after 10:30am but is currently being reviewed by Edge and VisTab).


Looking for more answers? email support with your question.



Looking for more answers? email support with your question.