

Search By Code

Search by Code is available from Attendance Records to view ie: total numbers of students present (P) in one session such as period one or the morning session and by a selected date range.

​How do I search attendance records by Code?

  1. To search attendance codes firstly select from the Date Range field drop down (year or term)

  2. The 'From Date' defaults to a week ago, and the 'To Date' defaults to today giving the last week's attendance records. To change either of these click in the date field and select the required date on the date picker

  3. Click in the 'Attendance Codes' field to drop down Ministry code/s to select for your search. You can search for more than one over the date range, click 'Add another...' link if appropriate to load another field

  4. 'Minimum Sessions with Code(s)' field defaults to 3 (being roughly a half day). Click in the field to change this

  5. Click 'Search'


Teacher Search by Code
















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