

National Standards Spreadsheet

Reporting on results from 2013 onwards, in the Achievement > Assessment > NAG2A page generates the Ministry's spreadsheet.

Where can I see spreadsheet details for submitting in March for National Standards?

​For schools with students years 1-8, who were enrolled at 1 November, data can be generated on 2014 results for the export template supplied by the MoE using the NAG2A page.

Note changes in edge have enabled teachers to enter OTJs in December 2014 for students with anniversaries occurring in January and February 2015. The tables below detail OTJ reporting criteria.


For background to NAG2A reporting:

                see NAG2A OTJ Reporting Background article

For an overview and links to Ministry website pages detailing NAG requirements and Board reporting:

                see MoE National Administration Guidelines article

For specifics in edge and export options for NAG2A reporting:

                see NAG2A in edge article


The tables below summarise reporting criteria for OTJs. The yellow highlighting raises the exceptions, ie. students out of the usual pattern.

We wanted to show you the otj table rules to end February

 We wanted to show you the otj table rules from March to July

We wanted to show you the otj table rules after 1 July

 We wanted to show you the otj exceptions as held back

We wanted to show you the otj exceptions as promoted



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