

Configure Assessments

This page allows you to select which assessments your school wants to use, and for which year levels. Once configured, the assessments will be available for the entering of results - and to view the results within Assessment Analysis.

Where can I set up the data entry for the assessments available in our school including National Standards?

Where you have Assessment Co-ordinator user responsibility, from the Curriculum > Assessment > Enter results selection page (using the 'Configure' button in the top right corner), select which assessments and associated year levels you want to make available allowing teachers to enter assessment results for their class(es). An assessment Co-ordinator can enter assessment results for all classes (ie. any student).

We wanted to show you assessment configuration display

  1. Complete tick boxes for the assessments required in your school within each subject area tab, for the year levels of students being assessed. The School Entry Assessment is located in the English tab.

  2. Save enables visibility of the data entry and relevant analysis pages for teachers (to access their own students) and other appropriate user responsibilities.

  3. Teachers can enter results for their own class(es) by selecting the appropriate assessment link on the Assessment Selection page, providing their students fall within the year levels of the assessment.



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