Science - Thinking With Evidence
The STwE assessment is available for years 7-10, where students in the teacher's assigned class correspond to these year levels.
Under the tab 'Science', where students in the teacher's assigned class correspond to these year levels, only one test result can be recorded each year. If required where students are not sitting the same test, the Assessment Co-ordinator can click 'Assign Tests' to enable recording of the test form used for each student in your class. Teachers can then enter results for their class.
Entering the test number and score generates the scale score and error units - enter the total score. Based on the conversion tables, the scale score and errors are calculated and these can be exported into Excel.
In Analysis the full result includes year level and matching band, and aggregate year level selected based on filter criteria. For Analysis a table shows the test score; and for groups, a bar graph displays each for the school and national norm.
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