

Progress Table

The NCEA Progress table provides a list of students and their respective credits gained for each NCEA level.

The NCEA table provides a student list with credits gained for each NCEA level, their possible total and the number they have gained for Literacy and Numeracy at Level 1 and 2. By default the student details are not displayed: 

we wanted to show you updated display default checkboxes for Progress Table

A filter is provided which allows you to filter by one, or a combination of the following:

  1. Instructional Year level

  2. Form Class

  3. Ethnicity

  4. Gender

  5. Subject class

  6. Course

  7. Export all course student standard details for year.

We wanted to show you the default view for NCEA Progress Table

By ticking the Display Student Details box, the view changes as below:

We wanted to show you the Display Student Details view for NCEA Progress Table

You can also select from the following:

Current Year

Displays totals for all internal standards achieved during the academic year

All Years

Displays totals for all internals and externals gained and included in NZQA results file from previous years, along with totals for all internal standards achieved during this academic year.

Selecting ‘Display’ will display the students who match the criteria set in the filter. Each column can be sorted by selecting the header title, displaying 100 students at a time. If there are over 100 students matching the filter criteria, they can be viewed by selecting the Next/Previous buttons at the bottom of the table.

Where a student's credit total for the Literacy and Numeracy levels is highlighted in green, the student has achieved enough credits in the respective level to meet the requirements.
Clicking on a student's name takes you to their NCEA Student Summary page for a more detailed breakdown of the standards assigned to that student, including results achieved and standards still to be assessed.
It's possible to export the data displayed to Excel by clicking the Export button.



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