Leaver Upload Batch
A list of student names for batch upload of leavers to ENROL is displayed for those with Enrolment Officer responsibility.
This SMS has integrated with the ENROL server to make it easier to manage the enrolment status of students as required by the MoE, for ENROL to be updated with students (attending and) leaving your school. If there are any issues they will be highlighted on the individual’s Edit Student page. At the same time the NSN status for the student is set to Unverified. Click the Pre-validation link from the ENROL Issues page to ensure your data is best prepared for upload. We have videos available detailing the leaver and arrival ENROL process.
Leaver Upload Batch
All students who have not previously been verified with ENROL, or have had data issues fixed as a result of a previous batch run, will appear for selection. These students are listed in alphabetical order, or alternatively can be grouped by school year level by selecting the appropriate option. All students are set to be included in a batch by default.
Any individual students can be deselected from being included in the next batch run. If deselected, they will not be part of the batch process, but will be available for future selection. You can also permanently remove students from the page. If you proceed with this option you will have to manage all ENROL details regarding the student using the Ministry of Education ENROL website. Once all students have been selected, you can submit the batch. Once submitted, the page will be unavailable for editing until the job has been completed. A confirmation email will be sent to the staff members with Enrolment Officer responsibilities detailing the status of the latest run.
When a student enrolment update has been successful, their name will automatically be removed from the upload batch page, and a confirmation date displayed in the student’s Edit Student details page.
If a student enrolment has been unsuccessful, their name is removed from the upload batch page and placed in the ‘Enrol Issues’ tab where the issues can be determined, and changes made to the student details as required.
Leaving Reason Codes
C - Caregiver Decison
S - Transferred to another school in NZ
H - Transferring to home-schooling
O - Gone Overseas
D - Deceased
X - Expulsion
L - End of Schooling
E - Granted Early Exemption
K - Exclusion
C - Continuous Absence
J - Eligibility Expired
If codes O, X, L, E or J are selected as a Leaving Reason, the Post-School Activity field is mandatory.
Note: Code J is not a valid Leave Reason for New Zealand or Australian citizens
Post-School Activity
Employment and further education/training
Further Education or Training
Leaver Upload Process Diagram
The ENROL Knowledge base page gives a graphic overview of the leaver process.
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